For the past few months, Damien has been getting heavy into warfare strategies and tactics. Every weekend, when he comes over, he chooses to do nothing but play Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. He's been under the impression that the same strategies of actual combat apply to those of the game.
As Christmas was rolling around the corner, as the holidays began, I asked Damien to make me his Christmas wish list. The usual things were on there; money, video games, and clothes, etc. However, at the top of this list were an AirSoft gun and a tactical vest. After some discussions, we felt that he was at that age where it'll be okay and he knows right from wrong. We got him the gun, an M4A1 Assault Rifle. we bypassed the vest and instead got him a facemask and a container of the AirSoft bullets. A few days later, Damien and I went to Sports Authority to get me a pistol.
The following weekend, he and and Anabelle made the late night drive to sleep over. Damien was running on a heavy dose of adrenaline. He knew that today he'd be able to play with his new gun. About an hour later, everything was ready to go. His mask was all set and fitted, he had both the rifle and pistol charged and loaded, and he was set for battle.
Our rules were pretty rogue; we basically played hide and seek but with guns. Round one was Damien being the hunter. I figured I give Damien a run for his money and hide extremely well. And actually, I hid so well that he couldn't find me for almost 10 minutes. I shot the gun off a few times to give him hints, but he still couldn't find me. there was one point where Damien was about 6 feet directly in front of me but was still unable to find me. Finally, after catching a cramp from bending my knees I shot him and went up 1-0.
Round 2 ended as quickly as it began. So quick that there really isn't much that I could write about. Once I turned to look for Damien, he came running out of the bushes and started shooting me. both Anabelle and I had to tell him that he needs to stay hidden and let me find him. Round 3 was really a redo of round 2. After a quick survey of the bushes from afar, I could see Damien's foot sticking out just a bit. I walked past him a few times to give him the impression that he hid well, only to shortly after light him up with a barrage of shots.
Round 4 was him being the hunter and me being the hunted. I figured throw him a curve ball by hiding behind a pallet in the open. I know he'd be so caught up with me being in the bushes that he wouldn't pay attention to the open area. Sure enough, he walked on by and started scurrying through the bushes looking for me. I quietly ran up behind him and luckily for him, I showed mercy by not shooting him.
We played altogether for about an hour before he waved his white flag. It was cool seeing him get all into it. Not only was he all dirty at the end and covered in grass, dirt, and sweat, but he picked my brain for hours asking what else he could do strategically. We shared a father-son male bonding moment which was awesome. We both got out of the house, we both got crazy dirty, and we both made his favorite XBOX game reality.
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