1. I NEED TO WATCH THE TV FOOD NETWORK WHILE EATING- for about 15 years now, I have a tendency to need to watch some type of cooking show while eating. I don't know what it is but for me watching a cooking show somehow helps me eat. If its late and only infomercials are on, Ill search for a cooking appliance infomercial ie the set it and forget it rotisserie or the George Foreman grill. If an infomercial isn't on Ill opt for QVC or HSN if they're selling something food related. And if for any reason that's not on either, I'll youtube something. If you're wondering about what I do when I eat out, I'll youtube something on my blackberry.
2. THOUGH IM A GUY I CAN PROBABLY TYPE FASTER THAN YOU- for the most part I always had a knack for computers. I was fortunate enough As a kid to always have access to a computer in my home. Between the ages of 10 - 15, one of my hobbies was to retype basketball articles from magazines. From ages 15/16 into my 20 somethings, I spent years and years chatting. Combine the duration of that span of time, I've gotten pretty damn good.
3. I DO NOT EAT SEAFOOD- yes!! I repeat I do not eat seafood of any type. Lift up your jaw. Sashimi, crab, lobster, poke, opihi, scallops, and whatever else is in the ocean food group. You're gonna tell me.. You have no idea what you're missing.. Yes I know. I've heard that many many times. The way I look at it is.. If I don't enjoy it, it gives you that much more of it to enjoy. Catch my drift? I used to eat seafood As a kid but As I grew up it just fell into the "Things I Hate" category. Maybe one day I'll eat it again though I don't see that day coming anytime soon. So you enjoy.
4. I HAVEN'T BEEN TOTHE BEACH IN YEARS- what can I say, I just don't really care for the ocean. Call me a girl but one of the reasons why I'm not a Dan of the water is the old cliched I don't wanna get dark. I'm naturally dark so if I go out even for a few hours I turn pretty damn chocolaty. Bitter sweet chocolate actually. LMFAO. Another reason is that I simply don't hang out with people who like to go to the beach.
5. I HAVE ABOUT 300 PAIRS OF SHOES- *pops collar*
6. CLUBBING APPAREL HAS A ONE TIME USE ONLY CLAUSE- yes it's a waste of money but oh well. At least its my money. All it is is an image thing. Now that my going out days are behind me I look back and wonder how much money wasted and I can believe it. On top of that, I still have a bunch of unused Ed Hardy, SMET, Rocawear, Christian Audagier, etc. Shirts that I have yet to try on let alone wear.
7. I LOVE CLASSICAL MUSIC- classical As in Beethoven, Mozart, and Bach.
8. IM A LEFTY- I only write and eat with my left. Everything else is done with my right.
9. I HAVE TERRIBLE SHORT TERM MEMORY- if you ask me about something that happened 10 minutes ago I probably won't remember it but if you ask me about that same incident 10 years from now, I'll remember it in vivid detail.
10. I DON'T KNOW HOW TO WRITE IN CURSIVE- So fckin what. Yes it's true. I don't know how to write in cursive. When they taught us how back in the 3rd grade, I just never really cared for it. To add to that, I actually don't like to write in lower case either, though i know how to. I prefer writing in all capital letters, it's always been that way. If you're wondering, my signature is a B with some squiggly marks. And if you look good, you can see the K in there too.
There you have it. 10 things about me that almost no one knows. Most people know the shoe fetish fact. But other than that, it's all new info about BRANDON.
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