It’s a number that I’ve been dreading for the last few….. days, 30. Hot damn, I’m gonna be 30 frickin years old?!?! It’s almost one of them, “Where has the time gone?” type of moments. But as the wise man once said, “C’est la vie”.

The cannonballs were a many, and so were the handstands and the “Do you think you can make it there and back in one breath?” When we were satisfied with having our aquatic fix, we headed back to the room to enjoy a very late lunch. The day started so early that we all were in dire need of a much deserved power nap. Once revamped and awake, Ray, Ashley, and Tiana made their way home as Anabelle and I got glammed up to have a light night out on the town.
We were still so tired from the day that all we wanted to do was go to Barnes & Noble and look around. Both of us were still quite full from our late lunch so we were only going to eat if we worked up an appetite. Guess what? We worked up an appetite; well, sort of. Directly upstairs from Barnes & Noble is The Melting Pot, a fondue-type restaurant that is extremely popular but really expensive. We’ve never tried it but always wanted to. Being that Anabelle and I don’t go to Lahaina too often, this seemed like the best reason for us (Anabelle) to splurge. So we cashed out at Barnes & Noble and were on our way.

The Melting Pot I believe is the only restaurant of its type on the island. It’s the type of restaurant that people would wine and dine their dates at. It’s more the type of restaurant that I’d take Anabelle instead of the other way around, but hey, I’m not complaining. Once we opened their doors, we were greeted by their glass encased wine cellar. They say first impressions are crucial, let me tell you, when you don’t know what you’re walking into, that’s one heck of a first impression. Once seated, we’re told about how the menu works, what we may or may not be interested in, and what would be the best bargain for newbies. I ordered a Diet Coke (26 MONTHS SOBER BABY) and Anabelle ordered a Strawberry-tini which she loved and would have bathed in it had it been any bigger. Shortly after getting our drinks, our server put together the cheese sauce for our appetizer course. We were now officially considered fonduers. As quick as Anabelle and I finished our appetizer (it was that good), the main course was on our table. We ordered ourselves an assortment of the coveted Kobe beef strips, Chicken, different types of marinated steaks, and shrimp. Anabelle was in condiment heaven with the 8 different special dipping sauces that they supplied us with. Each slice of meat paired with each dipping sauce made each bite a new and enticing experience. We weren’t able to finish off the main course with the overly abundant appetizer that we had let alone having room for the dessert we were waiting on. Both Anabelle and I were already on cloud 9 from what we had so far but the dessert they gave us literally put us over the top. It was hands down one of the best desserts I had all time. The Melting Pot has this crème brulee fondue that is so rich and creamy its flavor is unparallel. With the crème brulee, we got an assortment of marshmallows, chocolate covered marshmallows, cinnamon and sugar coated marshmallows, slices of cinnamon covered bananas, graham crackers, and slivers of strawberries along with some other items that I can’t remember due to the food coma I was in. At the end of our meal, we nearly had to be rolled out of the restaurant. We were so full that we ended up taking the elevator down the 20 steps we walked up; it was that damn good.
At the end of such a grandiose type of meal, there was nothing that Anabelle and I wanted to do more than to go back to the hotel and lounge. The day was an absolute hit from all angles; I got to wake up on my birthday to the company of my loved ones, I got to be a part of a celebration of life to one of Hawaii’s most influential people, I was able to lounge around a pool and play tourist with some family, I got to browse around one of my favorite stores, and have one of the best meals ever, and I got to do it with the love of my life, which was the greatest gift of all. Needless to say we both had one of hell of a day and both fell asleep almost as fast as we got back to the room. HAPPY BIRTDAY TO ME.
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