The summertime is upon us and for me that means one thing, not the sun and the sand, not the bikinis and the beach bodies, for me it means movies, movies, and more movies. Summertime is like Christmas for movie buffs. This is when the blockbusters are released on a near weekly basis. It’s been this way in years past and in 2011 there’s no exception. This summer may very well be the mother load of most anticipated movies for me. There are a bunch of sequels that are coming out that I’m really excited for.
On my downtime, I’ve been finding myself frequenting a few movie sites to keep up with the happenings and by doing so I’ve gained a knowledge and excitement of these movies. There were many instances that I/we’ve gone to movies that I wanted to mention them but I didn’t want my blog to become a movie review site. However, with the amount of excitement and anticipation that I have for this summer’s upcoming movies, I can’t help but make my own Summer Movie Guide. Put your 3D glasses on (if necessary), grab some popcorn, and let’s go.
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