Tuesday, July 26, 2011


So I’m driving up to a gas station that I normally don’t go to. It’s always so busy and patience isn’t one of my virtues, especially when I’m heading to work. Anyways, I lucked out not just because there was a pump available, but that particular pump was on the side that I needed it to be. YES! As I pulled up, I saw a line of cars quickly form behind me. As I got about 10 steps away from my truck, I noticed the car in front of me was done and pulling out. I thought the lady who was behind me could just go around and use the pump in front of me. Unfortunately, because of the big Pepsi truck in the way, the lady would either have to wait for me to finish pumping my gas or maneuver her car around to the pump in front of me. I figured, “What’s 25 seconds?” so I got back in my truck, moved up one so she could get her gas. After I paid and came back out, she thanked me and told me there was no way that she would have been able to make it to work on time had I not moved my truck. I told her, “Yeah, definitely, no problem”.

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